Calling all musicians! – BIG BOX JAM Has Been Revamped!

The man in charge of the Jam, Gary Johnstone, has revamped the popular night, to make it run much more professionally and smoothly! Read below for all the info!

The Big BOX Jam runs every Sunday night from 10pm!

If you are planning on performing at the Big Box Jam (and we hope you are!) here’s how it works…

> The sign up sheet is at the front of the stage at the entrance

> Write your name, instrument and an idea of what song(s) you’d like to play. Try and make it a well known song so the band can jam with you. If in doubt, bring along 3 copies of a basic chord/song sheet for us to read from

> If it’s your first time you will get to play two songs with the band

> The order of acts will be on a roughly first come first serve basis, and if you are good you are welcome to sign up again and play twice in one night!

> All back line is supplied (one Blackstar HT40 Combo and one Dr Z Maz 38/Laney VC30) plus we have a house drum kit with cymbals etc (no double kick though) and a keyboard for all you real musicians.

> Guitarists/bassists please bring a guitar if you can and make sure you’re tuned up BEFORE you hit the stage. We’ll let you know when you’re next up so you can tune up in advance. Clip on tuners are ideal for this

> On busy nights you might have to jam with other people who are not part of the highly experienced house band, but never fear, at least two of us will always be up there with you to make sure your time on stage goes smoothly

> If you have any questions on the night, don’t be afraid to come up between songs and ask Gary (he’s the one with the crap hair and usually plays a red telecaster)

> Sometimes the house band have a wedding gig elsewhere so always check with the venue either via facebook or email before heading out

We hope to see you very soon!

Don’t Forget to like the page on Facebook to keep up to date!

Posted on Mar 7